03 April, 2009

Think of the children

The Guardian reports that the upstanding villagers of Broughton, Buckinghamshire have valiantly defended themselves from the pernicious Google Street View camera car.

Paul Jacobs spotted the Google camera when he glanced out his window on Wednesday, the photographers did not get far. The car was an unmarked black Opel, but the 360-degree camera on the roof was a bit of a giveaway. Jacobs rushed round banging on neighbours' doors, and soon had a posse surrounding the driver. When one of the residents called the police, there was a swift U-turn. Jacobs said there had been three burglaries in the last six weeks: "If our houses are plastered all over Google, it's an invitation for more criminals to strike."

Yes Paul, that's how criminals decide to burgle houses - they look at 6 month old photos taken from the street. A street which immigrants and foreigners are freely allowed to walk along! How much longer will hard-working Britons be expected to endure the dangers of being knife-crimed by foreign types and paedos through the internet?! Thanks Gordon Clown!

As it happens Paul was making preparations for the annual 'Gossamer Wifeling' fayre. The winner is the palest, most slender-wristed and least able to carry a pig on her shoulders. She is drowned.

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