29 August, 2006

Think tank

Unable to judge distances or assess gaps? Fear not! The disability that has dogged your driving for too long has been banished by those titans of teutonic design.

Square heads crammed with brains have pondered and now your new Mercedes-Benz CL can arrive with Parking Assist.

If you're traveling under 25 mph, the system will judge the size of parking spaces on either side of the car and determine whether they're big enough for the CL to fit in. If you're going under 10 mph, a blue "P" will light up when you pass one of these acceptable spaces. Once you line the car up to park and shift into reverse, the diagram shown above pops up to guide you in.

Engineer Hans Von Ribbentrop was quick to deny that the P stands for Poland. "Nein, ve are just wanting to anexxe ze parking space quickly without so much sturm und drang. It is good for ze short people who tend to make ze bad judgements and overcompensate ja?"

3 Step to the white courtesy phone:

Blogger Ghone shout your mess

Do you have to steer or will it do that for you as well?

August 29, 2006 8:16 pm

Blogger Chris shout your mess

Funny you should ask, I've got a YouTube link kicking around somewhere of a BMW that parallel parks itself.

And there was a BBC news story of a VW Golf that drives itself at eye-watering speed around a race track once it's 'learnt it', Mondo can back me up on this, he saw it too.

I tell you, the Bosch are up to summat!

August 29, 2006 8:34 pm

Blogger BikerMondo shout your mess

I can attest to the veracity of DC's observations.

There have been problems with this device however. When used in sub-zero temperatures the CL has a tendency to lurch forward and stall. It is them impossible to get into reverse.

August 30, 2006 11:24 pm


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