26 June, 2006

Sports? Utility?

SUV drivers often defend their vehicle choice as a safer option - if you have a crash, you are better protected. But they may be falling foul of "risk compensation" according to The Independent.

This happens when one aspect of a situation makes you feel more secure, so you take more risks in other ways. Researchers in London logged 38,000 passing cars, of which 3000 were 4x4s, the SUV drivers were almost four times more likely to be seen using mobile phones. Studies have shown that drivers using mobile phones have four times the risk of an accident. On that basis, SUV drivers are at 16 times the risk.

The research showed they were also less likely to use seat belts.

Perhaps this has nothing to do with risk compensation at all. An alternative hypothesis is that some people are thoughtless arrogant twats.

And they tend to pick certain vehicles.

6 Step to the white courtesy phone:

Blogger bigfootcookie shout your mess

I actually witnessed someone driving a Volvo this morning.

No hang-on, it wasn't just that, oh yes. Whilst driving aforementioned Volvo, he was on his mobile phone, WHILST doing his tie up, and crossing over on a busy junction.

Your are dead right.

Thoughtless arrogant twat.

June 26, 2006 5:16 pm

Blogger Chris shout your mess

Sometimes there's a cruel twist of fate

June 26, 2006 7:44 pm

Blogger Captain Beefheart shout your mess

They really are the vehicular equivalent of the 80's Dynasty Alexis Carrington style shoulder pad dress.

Huge, unsightly, gaudy and impracticle, and in ten years everyone will deny ever having owned one.

June 27, 2006 9:27 pm

Blogger Captain Beefheart shout your mess

..and as these thoughtless arrogant twats take up so much more of the road than anyone else, it should come as no surprise to them when their vehicles parked so carefully across pavements outside school suffer some accidental cosmetic damage

June 27, 2006 9:38 pm

Blogger Captain Beefheart shout your mess

...what's more, we all know the only really effective way to reduce traffic accidents would be to fit a big metal spike sticking out of the centre of the streering wheel, aimed at the driver's heart.

Road deaths would be cut to nothing overnight

June 27, 2006 9:41 pm

Blogger Chris shout your mess

That's right I never owned a gaudy shoulder-padded dress in the eighties.

It was a very classic, simple red.

June 28, 2006 7:29 am


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