02 August, 2006

What does your car say about you?

It can sometimes feel like a Sisyphean labour making decisions that run contrary to the overwhelming flow of messages coaxing, cajoling and even shaming us into buying more and more stuff. Our culture is a machine, fueled by spending and there is an enormous amount of pressure brought to bear on you to keep filling her up with premium.

Perhaps Canute would be a better analogy than Sisyphus? But instead of demonstrating like good old Canute that even a King is powerless to resist the tide, why not use the very tide itself? In the best martial arts tradition, use your opponent's strength against him.

Click for a beautifully directed ad with great production values.

2 Step to the white courtesy phone:

Blogger Captain Beefheart shout your mess

Superbly crafted and 100% accurate appraisal of his character toward the end, methinks. Good work, fellah!

August 04, 2006 6:37 am

Blogger BikerMondo shout your mess

It maybe nicely made but it's an ad that unfortunately preaches to choir. The environmental movement appears to be stuffed full of the coffee gobbers portrayed in this greenpeace fantasy - quite happy to be snide and unpleasant behind your back but unwilling to engage in direct dialogue. Consequenlty a 4x4 driver seeing this is more likely to become more entrenched in their views than to question them.

It should keep the Direct Debits and renewals coming in though - which is what I suspect its purpose was all along.

August 06, 2006 8:54 pm


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