09 August, 2005

Hazel nuts

The renaming of ethnic minority groups is being explored to allow communities to show pride in both their ethnic roots and their Britishness.

Home Office Minister Hazel Blears said in a newspaper interview that she found the idea of US-style hyphenated terms like Asian-British or African-British, "quite interesting".

Quite interesting?

Your colleague John, born in Swindon, just like his folks after his grandparents moved to Britain before the war, now becomes Asian-British? How terribly exciting to discover after a quarter of a century living in the Thames Valley that you're actually a foreigner. Perhaps they could be made to wear a little badge detailing where they're from, or at least to carry a bell.

If you'll excuse me I must repair my horned helmet, the pillaging season is upon us again, and those East Anglian women aren't going to rape themselves you know.

5 Step to the white courtesy phone:

Anonymous Anonymous shout your mess

But not even British Asian - Asian British. The British comes second.

Bleary is so silly; she's a walking talking advert for the down-side of selecting Ministers by gender. There's no other way she'd have made it otherwise.

Drop the lot (except when it's absolutely necessary to distinguish) and refer to all born-and-breds as British. Simple.


August 09, 2005 8:38 pm

Blogger Chris shout your mess

Hi Gary, glad you could make it. Pull up a muffin.

August 09, 2005 9:01 pm

Blogger bigfootcookie shout your mess

I agree, if you are born here, then you are British, irrelevant of anything else, and should therefore be called "British".

If you are not born here, then you are a visitor, and need to be educated in making a decent cup of tea, pay a huge amount in taxes like the rest of us, and learn to complain when it is "too hot" and "too wet". Then we may let you stay.

For another week.

August 09, 2005 10:18 pm

Blogger Chris shout your mess

I think I heard on the wireless when I went to pick up Mrs driverchris from the station some frantic backpedalling on this issue, perhaps it's not on-message. We shall see.

August 09, 2005 10:33 pm

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