2013 trackday season starts here!
Took a gamble on an early season trackday at a good price. Getting up at the crack of 'holy crap it's early and cold' we divided our time between reassuring each other that this early mist would soon 'burn off' and trying to open the doors on the van which were frozen shut. Ho ho. Still preferable to the hardy folk who'd decided to arrive the night before and sleep in the van. I'll take the warm bed and early start thanks.
First time ever at Snetterton so I took the two sighting laps to try and find my way round. Slippy as hell and with an arctic blast I ducked in to the pits and decided to wait for things to dry off a bit. And Lo the sun did come out and we were mightily pleased, I even got a little sunburnt, or maybe it was arctic windblast? Either way it was very refreshing.
Verdict. The circuit is fast as feck, I am not. Gradually working up a bit of speed here and there I was happy with the progress I was making, but there's no doubt that to go fast at Snetterton you need to take a couple of brave pills. It's awesomely fast.

all photos by FlatTel
Labels: Motorbikes, Snetterton, Trackday