Pure energy
I can remember way back in the mists of time now, when the family climbed a step in the social pecking order by having a sunroof retrospectively fitted to our gold Vauxhall Astra. It was a mere triplex laminated rectangle of glass, able to positioned at a jaunty angle or removed completely but it was a status symbol. And it also allowed you to drive at just the right speed to create an upsetting resonant turbulence in the cabin.
I had my hoverbike in for attention today - new thrusting plates on the eliptical flange jet outlets.
Available in sizes ranging from, acceptable monitor size sir to are we trying to compensate for shortcomings in another area? Also known as the size designers demand as a bare minimum. In fact I'll need two of them, there's a helluva lot of palettes in the new PhotoShop.
Labels: Illustration, Illustrator, Wallpaper